Begin by creating a folder to hold all the code, frameworks, and includes you will need for this series ( for example, a directory called/ column). 首先创建一个文件夹来保存所有代码、框架并包括本系列需要的内容(例如,名为/column的目录)。
If defined as NOT NULL, the value corresponds to the start time associated with the most recent transaction ( the value of the AS ROW BEGIN column). 如果定义为NOTNULL,该值会对应于与最近的事务相关联的开始时间(ASROWBEGIN列的值)。
Instructions can begin in any column. 指令可从任意列开始。
To begin, right click in the space in the Field column to bring up a small menu. 首先,右键单击Field列内的空白,弹出一个小菜单。
Unsure how to begin, I thought I'd scan the personals column of my local newspaper. 但我不确定要如何起步,我想我该浏览当地报纸个人专栏。
I'll begin this month's column by picking up some reaction I received after the first issue. 我会从选取在第一期之后我收到的一些反馈开始这期的专栏。